:blogpost:true :tags: linux, manjaro, xfce, x11 :category: Tech :date: Sept 1, 2021

Moving a Window to the Next Monitor on XFCE#

Step 1 - Install yay#

yay is a package manager for AUR. It’s super useful when installing Arch packages in Manjaro.

From the Github README.md:

sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
cd yay
makepkg -si

Step 2 - Dependencies#

The core dependencies for this to work are:

  1. xdtool

  2. wmctrl

  3. xorg-xwinfo

Step 3 - Clone move-to-next-monitor to a folder in your path#

Personally, I prefer ~/.local/bin, but you can use /usr/bin, or any folder that’s in your path.

git clone https://github.com/jc00ke/move-to-next-monitor

Note that I’m maintaining a fork at stonecharioteer/move-to-next-monitor. I want to see if I can rewrite this to work natively.

Add execution permissions to this file.

chmod +x move-to-next-monitor

Step 4 - Add Keyboard bindings to invoke this script#

Use your XFCE window manager tools to bind a keyboard shortcut to invoke this tool.